Document Type : Descriptive


1 assistant professor of management, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Iran

2 MS of public management, Islamic Azad university, Qazvin branch, Qazvin, Iran

3 Assistant professor of public Administration, Islamic azad university, science and research branch, tehran,Iran.


Chapter 11 and Article 81 of the Law of civil service Management have a clear emphasis on the implementation of the performance management system and the measurement of the performance of government agencies. Given that the post office of Qazvin province complies with this law and that performance measurement is not done in the form of regular reports, and only those reports were based on the completion of an evaluation form and had no effect on payments and the compensation system, the present article seeks to address barriers to the implementation of Article 81 in the post office of Qazvin province. In order to identify the barriers, the background of the research, and then the current status of the post office was examined and the topic analysis was used to analyze the data and the content validity rate and finally identification of the barriers were applied for screening. In this research, the method of data collection is using interviews with experts and experts of Qazvin Post Office and distributing Content Validity Questionnaire. To extract barriers, open and axial coding and finally to validate the content validity rate and distribution of questionnaires and interviews with 14 experts at the post office were used. The results showed that the obstacles with the most frequency and the coefficient rate of validity are the main obstacles as follows: lack of access and performance of customers in the evaluation score, weakness in the accuracy and bias of the evaluator, evaluation of all employees with every grade in one category, low attention of the employees to the evaluation score, the one-step evaluation, lack of familiarity of evaluators with the appropriate methods of evaluation.


Main Subjects

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