Document Type : Causal


1 MSc of Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 . Professor of Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


In our country, various groups, called councils, are developing public policies in line with the country's development and excellence. Despite the fact that most of the public policies in our country are developed by these institutions, the literature on public policy, about how these councils can improve the effectiveness of their policymaking, is limit. In this research, with emphasis on the concern of improving public policies, the factors affecting the success of the council policy-making have been identified. In this qualitative study, the Supreme Administration council has been selected as the case study. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 15 administration experts and members of the Supreme Administration council who participated in formulate of the public policies. then we reviewed the existing documents and by using content analysis which is a qualitative method three main themes and 12 sub-themes were identified which include three general categories of content factors (Objective goals, stability in the patterns and theoretical foundations , The balance between the four dimensions of rationality, the common understanding of the problem), process factors (complete and transparent process, shared leadership, evidence-based policymaking, the creation of appropriate Mechanisms for legitimization), and individual factors (Avoiding intra-group bias, Systematic approach, competence and merit of the members, Avoiding organizational bias).


Main Subjects

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