Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Professor, Department of public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Due to the importance of human resources, today's organizations are competing to attract and retain human resources over the provision of welfare programs and the attention of staff. They invest and strive to implement and improve employee supportive programs & as much as possible Provide appropriate facilities and amenities to staff. For this reason, organizations need to take on a new face of behavior and move towards support.This study is aimed to Designing & verification a model of Supportive Organization in Red Crescentsociety.The current study is a descriptive study in which 945 personnel are selected as the sample. Data was gathered by use of structural equations model and then it was analyzed using Lizrel software. Due to the results, the supportive organization is related to some variables including organizational justice, superior support, suitable pay, promotion, job security, autonomy, training, Islamic belief, organizational empathy and participative management.


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