Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Bussines Management, Payame Noor niversity, Tehran, Iran

2 : prof, Department of Bussines Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate prof, Department of Bussines Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Nowadays, competition in various business environments requires confrontation with plenty of opportunities and challenges. It is therefore necessary for the managers to apply some strategic control model for the purpose of predicting, effective strategic guidance of the organization as well as timely control and response to the movements of the rivals and environmental developments. Such a strategic control model should be able to turn the strategic control to a continuous, internal and ongoing stream in addition to guaranteeing the survival of the organization and realization of the organizational goals. The present research is an attempt to explain the pattern of strategic control with a self-control approach using qualitative research method and grounded theory. Data sampling has been made using purposeful and snowball sampling methods. Semi-structured interviews have been used as the tool for gathering data and data analysis has been carried out using grounded theory paradigmatic model. The results confirm that the main category is "implementation of strategic control in the organization with an internal look at strategic control (self-control)" which has been developed by the causal factors and a set of contextual and intervening elements that lead to two main organizational and individual outcomes through strategies.


Main Subjects

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