Document Type : Exploratory


1 Student

2 Professor, Department of Public Management, Tarbiyat Modares, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Public Management, Institute for Management and Planning Studies, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Production and Operations Management, Tarbiyat Modares, Tehran, Iran.


Human resource management quality has an extensive impact on employee attitude and their behaviors and the end in organizational performance. So, human resource management quality has an important role on employee behavior and performance. The aim of this research is to designing a tool for measuring human resource management quality in good governance base and validating it in Iran’s public sector. To explore this state, in qualitative part, we surveyed the literature and then interviewed 28 employees of the different organization. By analyzing literature and qualitative data from interviewed, and use roadmap of Iran administration system correction and good governance in the public sector model , prepare a conceptual and operational framework. Roadmap of Iran administration system correction showed that human resource of Iran has a five sector(planning, recruitment, training, motivation, performance management, retirement). For determining content validity, it was sent to 30 management consultants and experts. Management consultants and experts confirmed the content validity of conceptual and operational framework. At the second stage, for determining construct validity of our measure, we use factor analysis. The results confirm the construct of our measure. The result of this research, is a validate tool for measuring human resource management quality in Iran’s public sector.


Main Subjects

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