Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Educational Management, College of Farabi University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


At the present age, our universities need leaders who can balance both routine management and new activities in complex sittuations, and these emerging leaders are leadership Model of Universities Based on grounded theory (Case Study: Tehran State University) The main purpose of this research is to design an ambidextrous leadership model in public universities conducted using the Glazier grounded theory method. Data gathering tool was semi-structured interviews with 11 experts in the field of higher education who were selected by theoretical sampling. The ambidextrous leadership concepts and components (106 key concepts, 25 primary and 7 secondary) of the interviews were identified and formulated in the context of the grounded theory conceptual model. According to the research findings, the central category is ambidextrous leadership. The results showed that the components of individual abilities include (individual abilities, individual skills, attitude, behavior and motivation), strategic planning (targeting, foresight), ethics-oriented and service-oriented. (Adherence to ethical skills, service and accountability, continuous supervision); university macro management including (knowledge management, continuous development and improvement of knowledge, participatory management, utilization of human capital capabilities, financial management, professional development Faculty members; Developing scientific collaborations (connecting with industry, commercializing and internationalizing universities); Taking advantage of opportunities including (recruitment capability, management Facilities, identifying capabilities); Coordination and flexibility include (communication skills, balance management, design management). These results are presented in the form of a data base model for the use of university presidents and faculty members.


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