Document Type : Descriptive


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of spiritual intelligence on stagnation in the career advancement of human capital with the moderating role of organizational climate in Payame Noor University of East Azerbaijan Province. In this study, the King (2008) model, Bardwick (1986) occupational stagnation model (1986), and Halpin and Craft organizational climate questionnaire (1963) were used for spiritual intelligence. The statistical population of this study consists of staff and professors of Payame Noor universities in East Azerbaijan province, which was obtained from 240 people as a statistical sample to complete a questionnaire to analyze the data and test the hypothesis. Data were analyzed using one-sample and independent t-test, analysis of variance, structural equation modeling and hierarchical multiple regression in SPSS and SMART-PLS software. The results of data analysis showed that the organizational climate moderates the relationship between spiritual intelligence and stagnation in the path of career advancement and its coefficient is negative. As a result, the interaction between organizational climate and spiritual intelligence leads to a reduction of stagnation in the path of career advancement.


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