Document Type : Exploratory


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of public Administration, bakhtar University , Ilam, Iran


One of the key factors for the success and survival of an organization to maintain continuity of work in a powerful way is the coordination of team members' motivation. Proper combination of motivations will inspire and desire to be more effective in team members. The purpose of this study is to design a harmonic model of motivations (principles, strategies and consequences). The research approach is qualitative and the research strategy is based on data processing theory based on Glaser approach. The study population of this study included the staff of the tax administration of Ilam city. The data collection was a scandal that reached saturation (credibility) after interviewing 19 of them. In this research, theoretical and purposive non-probabilistic sampling method has been used. Data were analyzed using coding method. It was found that six factors (synchronicity of motivation, skill diversity, equality of effects as a result, trust within members, management support, game-making) are involved in coordinating team motivation. Model by structural equation method And the validity of the research was confirmed by the specialized committee. At the same time, considering the level of team motivation, it was clear that the strategies of "Harmony of Motivation Management" are based on the two axes of "team motivation" and "individual motivation" on the four principles of consolidation, suspension, promotion and renewal.


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