Document Type : Exploratory


PhD Student in Social Communication Sciences, Meybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Meybod, Iran.


Social media is an integral part of organizations and one of the most important dimensions to help public relations activities and leads to the development of organizational activities, but the way of using these media properly is very important. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of presenting the public relations model of the Tehran subway with emphasis on social media. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive- survey in terms of method and was done with a sequential mixed-method approach. The statistical population of the study consists of academic experts in the field of public relations and media and professionals working in Tehran Metro Company. In this study, a judgmental sampling method was used and the data collection tools were interviews and questionnaires. First, in the qualitative section, to identify the components of the model, interviews were conducted until the theoretical saturation was reached, and the collected data were coded and analyzed through Max QDA software. Then, the importance and effect of the components extracted from the qualitative part were determined through the Fuzzy Datmil method. The results showed that for social media, the main components of media communication and ease of use of social media have been identified as influential factors of the relevant model, and social media information as an impressionable factor. Also for Tehran metro public relations, the component of communication development in public relations was identified as an impressionable factor and public relations development was identified as an effective factor. Each of these components has effective and impressionable indicators that are presented in the conclusion.


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