
Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Payame Noor University, Iran.


Islamic management components are closely related to the principle of management so that success in Islamic management depends on their accurate identification. The purpose of this article is to explain the key variables affecting Islamic management and the obstacles it faces. For this purpose, after defining Islamic management and stating its differences with non-Islamic management, an attempt has been made to explain the key theories and characteristics of Islamic management and its role in the organization. Islamic management at a higher level than Western management pays attention to management issues and its core axis, namely human beings. Western management is more concerned with management methods and techniques. This is while, Islamic management, in addition to paying attention to such issues, pays specific attention and gives exclusive emphasis on humans and designs all its management activities and tasks with a focus on human beings. The present research is an attempt to explain key influential features of Islamic management including the manager’s role in Islamic management, that is humanization of the organization in Islamic management instead of organization of human. Finally, some of the obstacles on the way of Islamic management were investigated in the Islamic community. The findings of the study revealed that the most important solution to the problems of Islamic management is to improve the relationship between oneself and God and self-belief.


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