Document Type : Exploratory


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc. Department Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Communication is one of the most important factors of the human workforce’s development and sublimation and it is enumerated amongst the vital factors for the success of every organization. Management is often recounted as the heart of organization and the communication stream is reminded of as the blood-making flow of the organization. If the stream of communication is flawed by the management, a phenomenon termed organizational stroke emerges. The present study aims at elaboration and designing of a model for organizational stroke in the governmental organizations. This study takes advantage of the qualitative research strategy and uses a method drawn on the data to offer a comprehensive model for the organizational stroke in the governmental organizations. The present study’s findings are the products of interview with 15 experts selected from the area of the governmental management based on a purposive method. Holsti reliability and descriptive validity methods were used to determine the validity and reliability of the research. The analyzes performed in the open, axial and selective coding process showed 391 The key point, 106 open codes, 32 axial codes, 5 selective codes and 2 categories, which led to the emergence of the final research model. The present study’s findings include the indicators of the human Factors, managerial Factors, structural Factors , cultural Factors and Environmental factors that have been found to influence the organizational stroke in the governmental organizations. The outcomes of the organizational stroke and strategies for reducing it were also identified.


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