Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Public Administration (Organizational Behavior), Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Public Administration, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


From time to time it is heard or seen that some organizations, companies, or economic, financial, political, cultural, and educational enterprises have suffered some corruption from inside or outside. So far, various measures have been taken to combat corruption in the country by passing laws and establishing regulatory bodies, but none of these cases have succeeded in the fight against corruption as they should and perhaps have not. For this reason, another approach must be taken in the fight against corruption. In recent years, the focus of leading countries in the fight against corruption has shifted from mere attention to legal structures and institutions to the use of existing capacities in public oversight, or in other words, whistleblowing. Considering the effects and consequences of whistleblowing on the performance of organizations, the present study attempts to examine the whistleblowing phenomenon for the first time in the country with a systematic approach by using grounded theory and the real experiences of current and past whistleblower organizations in a cultural context. This model could depict the situation of whistleblowing in the country from whistleblowing inputs to its outputs in a tangible way. The experience of whistleblowing in this study was in the form of a comprehensive model and what, why, and how expected consequences of this phenomenon were discovered in the cultural context of the country.


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