Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Public Administration, PayameNoor University, Tehran , Iran

2 : Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, PayameNoor University,Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Educational Curriculum planning, Kharazmi University,Tehran, Iran.


The Regarding the importance of applying organizational civilization, this study aimed to design and explain an organizational civilization model with a mixed method (quantitative/qualitative), in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. In this study, 15 experts from the target community including management professors, experts and specialists in the company were identified by the targeted snowball sampling method and interviewed by deep semi-structured method. The statistical population in the quantitative part, included the company’s experienced managers and staff, and the sample size was calculated as 200 persons by cluster sampling and Cochran’s formula. Based on the qualitative findings and the Delphi technique, 4 main components and 40 sub-components were identified and the organizational civilization model was designed. Also, The factor loads in the whole model regarding the components of humanism, justice, community and knowledge were equal to 0.50, 0.578, 0.504 and 0.516, respectively.


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