Document Type : Survey


Associate Professor, Department of Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Cameron and Quinn's organizational culture assessment tool has been used as one of the most valid models of organizational culture to identify the prevailing organizational culture in many organizations. The purpose of this study is to critique, analyze the weaknesses and identify the main discourses towards this model in Iranian government organizations. For this purpose, the Cameron and Quinn organizational culture assessment tool presented in 1999 was carefully studied and the required data were collected through a library study of available resources and a two-stage semi-structured interview (20 people, 15 people). The statistical population in the present study was all managers and organizational experts in government organizations. In the first part of the research, 20 interviews were conducted with experts who were purposefully selected and 94 meaningful units, 33 codes, 12 categories, and 4 themes of data were counted using directional qualitative content analysis. The reliability of the findings of the first part using the method P. Scott was approved. In the second part of the study, to analyze the discourses and enumerate the main discourses about this model, 15 experts were interviewed and three main functional, contingent and non-functional discourses were counted by the critical discourse analysis method. Then, using the opinion of experts with the Vasspas ranking method, the main discourses were ranked with non-functional, contingent, and non-functional priority. This means that from the point of view of experts in government organizations, the tool for assessing the organizational culture of Cameron and Quinn is not suitable for implementation in Iranian government organizations. Finally, suggestions were provided to improve the model.


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