Document Type : Exploratory
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran.
Thinking is based on the ability and tendency of the individual to measure the results of affairs and make decisions about them based on evidence. The presence of critical thinking in the organization will cause dynamism, adaptability, and creativity, which will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Accordingly, this research was aimed at designing a government think tank. This research has been done with the foundation data theory method. Based on limited theoretical literature and mainly relying on interviews with 12 (purposeful) faculty members in the field of public administration. Data obtained from theoretical studies and interviews were performed in the form of open coding, selective coding, and axial coding. The results obtained from the codings include the thinker leader, the thinker structure, the thinker personality, the thinker government, and the thinker atmosphere, which form the factors influencing the establishment of the government thinker organization. Which were divided into two categories of internal thinking and external thinking and finally, the strategies and consequences of the government thinking organization were proposed. In general, the fact emerged that most of the things that will lead to the creation of a thoughtful government organization are related to internal factors. Then, the final model of the research was drawn, and the main causes, underlying factors, mediating factors, main category, strategies, and consequences of the thinking government organization were identified.
Main Subjects
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