Document Type : Exploratory


1 MSc. Department of Public Administration, University of Ilam, Ilam Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Ilam, Ilam, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Ilam, Ilam, Iran.


This research was conducted to analyze the dimensions of the popularity of managers in government organizations of Ilam City. The current research was applied in terms of purpose and is exploratory nature with the qualitative method in terms of data collection using grounded theory with Glazer's emergent approach. The participants were managers of government organizations in Ilam City. Data collection was done through purposive sampling with 17 managers using semi-structured interviews. For the reliability of the interviews, the method of agreement between two coders was used, and to check the validity, content validity was used. Findings revealed that 7 dimensions were identified for popularity, which included weak-willed (empty character, shaky character, identity destruction), unhealthy dependence (obedient mind, passive behavior, others-processing), belonging (showcase management, hypocritical behavior, imaging), personal interests (networking, ownership, political game), malinger(behavioral abnormality, personality syndrome, personality‌ crisis), white fallacy (organizational deviance, organizational anomaly, functional dysfunction of managers), ritualism (creating management based on the glass room, formulating the principles and functional requirements for the organization, formulating the principles and requirements for education and ethics). The results of the research showed that seeking popularity is one of the managerial inefficiencies in government organizations, which has made managers' performance difficult. It can be said that to reduce the popularity of managers, government organizations should avoid appointing managers who tend to have symbolic communication and dependent personalities.


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