Document Type : Survey


1 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


It is important to pay attention to the suitable selection of candidates to enter Farhangian University because its results play an important role in the development and transformation of education and consequently, the reconstruction and progress of society. The current research is a combination of sequential exploratory design in terms of its practical purpose and research method. Socio-statistics in the qualitative phase included 22 documents which were determined according to the level of theoretical saturation and analyzed by content analysis method. The validity of the codes was confirmed using the researcher's self-review method, and their reliability was confirmed using the test-retest reliability. The data collection tool in the quantitative stage included three researcher-made questionnaires, whose reliability was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha. To determine the importance of each indicator using the Delphi technique, the questionnaire was given to 30 experts who were selected by snowball sampling. For the final classification of the identified markers, the focus group was used, and Kendall's coordination coefficient was used to determine the level of consensus among the members of the Delphi group. The results showed that the competencies include individual competencies and social competencies. Individual competencies included four interpersonal, value-ethical, professional, and personality dimensions, and social competencies were determined by four dimensions social knowledge, social motivation, social perception, and social inference.


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