Document Type : Survey


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Improving the decision-making and performance of the country's government organizations requires the necessary mechanisms to benefit from previous experiences, which is known as organizational memory. This study is an applied-developmental research conducted to design and validate the model of organizational memory in government organizations of the country. In the qualitative part, the underlying factors and their relationship patterns were identified using the grounded theory method. For this purpose, an interview was conducted with 18 managers of the country's macro-policy and program organization with the purposeful sampling method. After designing the research paradigm, the partial least squares method was used to validate the model. In this section, a questionnaire tool was used to collect data, and the views of 93 managers and related experts were used with the stratified sampling method. The results of this research showed that the central category of organizational memory consists of four cognitive, descriptive, procedural, and behavioral memory factors. Knowledge management provides the background and conditions, and things like the upstream documents of the system play an intervening role. Organizational learning, continuous improvement, and existing facilities play a causal role. Finally, the results have shown that organizational memory, if accompanied by the adoption of necessary strategies at the individual and organizational levels, can provide the conditions for improving job and organizational performance and ultimately increase client satisfaction and organizational productivity.


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