Document Type : Exploratory


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management and Business, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management and Business, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management and Business, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Ph.D. Student in Organizational Behavior Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


Today, employing incompetent and untalented people in high positions of organization and entrusting them with the management of various departments will be serious threats to the survival of public organizations and the basis for the emergence of the phenomenon of dwarfism. This research aims to conceptualize dwarfism, identifying and ranking its consequences in public organizations with a meta-synthesis approach. The conceptualization of dwarfism by the method of forming and analyzing the semantic network was carried out in two stages by using key sentences of texts describing dwarfism in 28 selected studies. Identifying and ranking its consequences were done with a meta-synthesis approach. After searching in scientific databases, 74 related studies were extracted, and by examining them, the consequences of dwarfism were identified. Finally, by using the Shannon entropy method, the consequences were weighted and ranked. The results of the analysis of the semantic network of dwarfism indicate that the common phenomenon of dwarfism in today's organizations is rooted in several theories and scientific management concepts such as the petty principle, the similar-to-me effect, the tall poppy syndrome, Distributed incompetence, and political behaviors. The results of the meta-synthesis showed that the reduction of organizational performance, suppression of capable employees, and organizational politicization are the most important factors behind dwarfism. One of the effects of this research is to create motivation in researchers for further investigations of the progress to prevent decay, remove obstacles to individual development, and establish meritocracy in organizations.


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