Document Type : Survey


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of socialization and organizational identity between spiritual leadership and employees’ performance in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey in terms of method. The statistical population is the Sepah employees of one of the western cities of Iran, and 112 people were selected as a statistical sample by simple random sampling. The research data were collected through standard questionnaires. Data analysis and fitting of the conceptual model with experimental data were done by structural equation method and PLS software. The findings showed that the variable of spiritual leadership directly explains 13.8% of changes related to employees’ performance and indirectly through the mediating variable of socialization to the extent of 63% and through the mediating variable of organizational identity to the extent of 29% affects the variable of performance. The total direct, indirect, and mediated effects of spiritual leadership on socialization and employees’ performance were 0.77, and the total effect of spiritual leadership on organizational identity and employees’ performance was 0.43. The value of variance accounted for (VAF=0.82) also showed that the influence of mediating variables is strong and the intensity of indirect effects is high. Based on the findings, the indirect effect of spiritual leadership on Sepah employees’ performance was confirmed through the variables of socialization and organizational identity. Also, the results showed that spiritual leadership has an impact on employees' socialization and organizational identity, and socialization and organizational identity have a significant effect on employees' performance.


Main Subjects

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