Document Type : Descriptive


1 . Ph.D. Candidate, Department Business Management, Ares International Campus, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 . Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iiran.


The expert workforce is essential for the achievement of successes on both macro and micro levels. Consequently, due to the changes in the demographics of population and society, the postponement of the retirement age of employees is a significant issue.This research has adopted an interpretive or constructivist research philosophy and the multi-grounded theory research strategy of Goldkuhl & Cronholm. Semi-structured interviews were utilized as the data collection method and theoretical sampling was conducted from the research community which included employees of the Ministry of Energy who have postponed their retirement. Thirty participants were interviewed. It’s also noteworthy that the research is practical in terms of its purpose.The findings of this research demonstrate that the model of postponing the retirement age of employees in the Ministry of Energy is primarily based on job conditions, as well as factors such as environmental, organizational, and individual contexts and organizational, individual, and governmental causal conditions. Some of the obstacles in this model include the direct intervention of the government and the circumvention of the law, which ultimately leads to a multitude of positive and negative consequences. The economic pressures, the issue of population aging, and the increased ratio of elderly people to young people will reduce the labor force and create difficulties for governments and various organizations, including the Ministry of Energy and pension funds. Hence, the adoption of the issue of postponing retirement age and keeping more of the labor force is a possible solution due to the positive outcomes it may potentially yield in the economic, social, organizational, and individual fields and aspects.


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