Document Type : Exploratory


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the main necessities of democratic governments is the existence of a comprehensive accountability system in the public administration sector, and without this system, there is a possibility of administrative corruption and dissatisfaction in public sector organizations. The main purpose of this research is to identify and test the dimensions and components of organizational accountability and model design. The organization is responsible for public sector organizations. According to the purpose of this research, it is fundamental and its research method is mixed with a sequential-exploratory approach, and it was conducted in two phases, qualitative and quantitative, so that first, qualitative data was collected using interviews with 19 experts who were selected in a purposeful way. were collected and analyzed using the foundation data method and the use of three stages of open, central and selective coding, then using the survey questionnaire tool in the test environment, the collection of quantitative data has been carried out. They were tested by confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations, and finally the responsive organization model was designed. In the qualitative phase of the research, 167 subcategories were categorized in the form of 54 subcategories and 6 main categories of responsive government, responsive managers, responsive structure, responsive employees, responsive culture, and responsive clients. Based on the obtained results, breaking the structure in the laws and promoting the culture of accountability were chosen as the central categories of the research due to frequent repetition in the process of interviews. Also, among the dimensions of the responding organization, the category of creating a responsive structure with a
t-statistic equal to 4.32 and an effect size of 0.7 has the highest impact, and the category of a responsive culture with a t-statistic equal to 2.96 and an effect size of 0.51 has the lowest impact on creating The responsible organization


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