Document Type : Exploratory


1 Department of Management,. Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Management,.Payame Noor University (PNU).Tehran.Iran

3 Department of Management,. Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran.



Currently, the insurance industry in Iran is facing challenges such as process complexity, high costs, and declining customer trust. As a result of these challenges, there is a need for new requirements to improve performance and enhance efficiency in the insurance industry. In this regard, the implementation of a DAO is proposed as a novel solution, which, with the help of blockchain technology and smart contracts, can address many of the existing problems in the insurance industry. This concept is at the core of this research, which investigates whether DAO can be implemented in the insurance industry and what challenges exist in implementing DAO insurance organizations in Iran. To achieve the research objectives, a qualitative approach and grounded theory methodology were used. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews, and information was gathered by purposive sampling method with 16 experts and experienced individuals in the insurance industry and some active professors in the field of blockchain technology. Data analysis was conducted using the Strauss and Corbin method and the paradigm model, resulting in the extraction of 317 concepts, 69 categories, and 24 factors. This research, for the first time in the country, examines the implementation of DAO insurance organizations and the factors affecting them, identifies implementation challenges, and provides solutions to address them. Additionally, the results and outcomes of implementing this model are discussed.


Main Subjects