Document Type : Causal


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study is to analyse how emotional labor affects on the perception of service quality and customer satisfaction. The research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive and survey in terms of nature and method, and primary information was collected using a standard questionnaire. The statistical population includes 384 people who refer to Jihad Agriculture in East Azarbaijan province, who were selected by the available sampling method. The information of the respondents was done with the methods of descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing, as well as the fitting of the conceptual model with the SEM method and Lisrel software. Based on the results of statistical analyzes and t-statistic values; 6.58, 9.12 and 7.47, respectively, the direct effect of emotional labor on the customer satisfaction and perception of the quality of service, as well as the direct effect of the perception of the quality of service by the customer satisfaction were confirmed. Investigating the impact of emotional labor on the customer satisfaction, with a path coefficient of 0.52, showed that the variable of emotional labor directly explains 52% of the changes in the satisfaction variable. Two path coefficients between emotional labor and perception of service quality 0.69 and perception of service quality with customer satisfaction 0.74 also showed that the variable of emotional labor indirectly and through the mediating variable of perception of service quality has a 51% effect on the customer satisfaction. The direct and significant effect of emotional labor on the perception of service quality and customer satisfaction was confirmed in the main hypothesis. Investigating and determining the intensity of the indirect effect using the VAF statistic, the value of 49.6% showed that almost half of the total effect of emotional labor on customer satisfaction is indirectly explained by the mediating variable of service quality perception.


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