Document Type : Survey




current research tries to examine the pathological analysis of the human resource management model of slack employees, which is taken from the research of Rashidi et al. (2021) in the oil company. This research is quantitative, applied and comparative in terms of philosophical foundations in the paradigm of positivism. The statistical population of the research includes managers and human resources experts of the oil company. The reliability and validity of the research has been measured in smart pls software and the analysis of questionnaires in SPSS software. The findings of the research show that there is a significant difference between the expected model (as an ideal situation) and the existing situation in the oil company. Performance evaluation in surplus-oriented employees with low strategic value and general competence should be process-based and focus on current control along with performance compliance with standards. In accumulation-oriented employees with high strategic value and general competence, it should be based on evaluation. periodical and match the performance with the standards, in knowledge-oriented employees with the characteristic of low strategic value and unique competence over indirect and result-based control, in value-oriented employees with the characteristic of high strategic value and special competence with future evaluation. is a watcher Rewards and service compensation for surplus-oriented employees on external equality, for accumulation-oriented employees on internal equality, for knowledge-oriented employees on competitive rewards with a focus on financial benefits, and for value-oriented employees on incentive rewards and with The focus is on non-financial rewards.


Main Subjects