Document Type : Descriptive



Social entrepreneurship is critical to "facilitate change" in the public sector and understand the particular social issues.However, due to the domination of public understanding of economic theories of entrepreneurship is difficult. This Study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of 3 grassroots social entrepreneurs  Until to achieved by describing the phenomenological essence of 3 grassroots social entrepreneurs. For this purpose, after emerging experiences created by the researcher, the common thread with text descriptions of specific experiences entrepreneurs in the study were cited. Clustered in eight narrative themes (entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial spirit, structural factors, environmental factors, narrative relating to the detection, evaluation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities, and ultimately the narrative effects) was formed. Finally, to achieve the essence of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, text descriptions of coherent structures in general were combined with a total of eight classes of horizons within the context of the three concepts are organized. This is the essence of public speaking entrepreneur entrepreneurs entrepreneurship phenomenon of people as human factors, actions, activities and behaviors (the first: entrepreneurial actions) in order to target a specific outcome (the third and the consequences of Activities) and by a set of competencies and activities sponsored by the spirit of enterprise, the environment does nothing (the second entrepreneurial enablers) to fulfill. This could potentially lead to the creation of the research field of social entrepreneurship is to reduce the non-cumulative nature of recent research in the field of social entrepreneurship, lead


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