Document Type : Exploratory


1 PhD Student, Department of Cultural Planning Management, , Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management, , Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.


In the government organizations of the country, one of the problems  that hinders the progress of the organization is the power-seeking behavior of managers in organizational communication, and experts consider this type of behavior that managers, as the first person in the organization, consciously or unconsciously use to achieve power and order in organizations, is a kind of organizational pest. they know Considering that managers' power-seeking behaviors are one of the important issues that have different effects in organizational communication, this research was conducted with the aim of providing a model of power-seeking behaviors in organizational communication among managers of government organizations in the country. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and a mixed approach in terms of data type. The statistical population of the qualitative department of management and communication professors of Tehran province universities who had managerial experience in government organizations of Tehran province, the snowball method was used to select the sample size, and 15 people were interviewed. The statistical population was a quantitative part of managers of government organizations in Tehran province, 380 people were selected as the sample size using Cochran's formula and stratified random sampling method. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part with the help of the foundation's data strategy and in the quantitative part using SPSS 22 and Lisrel 8.54 software. The findings show that the model of power-seeking behaviors in organizational communication among the government organization of the country includes the central category of power-seeking behaviors in organizational communication; Causal conditions with four components of personality characteristics, communication, sociability and management; contexts with three components of political behavior, situational adaptation and job position; Strategy with three components of organizational climate, organizational patterns, organizational rules and regulations; The intervention is with two components of dynamic and complex environment and organizational ethics, and the consequences are with two components of organizational indifference and reduced participation. The results show that the presented model can help to better understand the power-seeking behaviors of government managers in organizational communication.


Main Subjects

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