Document Type : Survey


1 Ph.D student- Department of Public Administration - Faculty of Management and Economics - Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Unit - Tehran - Iran

2 public administration group, management faculty, azad university Tehran science&research branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of public administration , Payam Noor University, Tehran , Iran


The existence of destructive conflicts, lack of transparency and lack of interaction between generations working in an organization, as well as the lack of constructive organizational communication, have created challenges in most organizations. However, few attempts have been made to discover the pathology of the generation gap in the workplace and to empirically examine the nature, causes, and reactions to such harms. The main objective of this research was to identify the pathology of the generation gap among employees of the Tehran Petroleum Industry Health and Treatment Organization. The research was of a mixed type (qualitative-quantitative) that used semi-structured interviews with a qualitative method, and the interviews were conducted until the theoretical saturation stage. Then, the data were analyzed based on the systematic approach of Strauss and Corbin in three steps: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. By establishing a relationship between the concepts and categories produced in the open coding stage, the process of linking in axial coding was achieved. In the quantitative part of the research population, all employees with a bachelor's degree or higher in the organization were identified, 305 people, and 170 of them were selected by simple random sampling based on the Cochran formula. The main tool for collecting information in the quantitative part was a questionnaire, which was finally analyzed using the structural equation model and Smart PLS software. The results of the research showed that the main harms to the Tehran Oil Petroleum Industry Health and Treatment Organization were the lack of conflict management, lack of employee participation, employee competition, and communication barriers.


Main Subjects