Document Type : Exploratory


1 1. Ph.D Student Department of Public Administration, Human Resources Development, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lorestan University, Khorram Abad, Iran.


The purpose of developing grounded theory is to build a theory based on data. The three previous approaches of grounded theory have obvious operational weaknesses. In order to cover the operational weaknesses of previous approaches and quantify their gaps, a fourth approach to grounded theory was presented under the title of quantum approach. The aim of this research is to show that the quantum approach has the necessary efficiency in practice and has covered the weaknesses of previous approaches. In the previous approaches, there were operational weaknesses in the place of research literature in theorizing, confusion in the discovery of open codes, inattention to the studied society and the study platform, which seemed efficient only from a theoretical aspect, but in practice confused the researcher. Method: To overcome this weakness, a quantum approach to ground theory was presented, which is based on four stages of coding and twelve basic steps, which is based on the theory of quantum entanglement, which indicates that electrons around the nucleus of the atom apart from affecting The nucleus of the atom has opposite behavior to each other. Findings: Borrowing from this theory, it was concluded that the central category is the result of the effects of factors that have opposing behavior with each other, that is, two categories of constructive factors and inhibitory factors. Finally, a model based on the quantum shape of the atom was presented for this approach. Also, the case study findings showed that 44 primary big data, 98 micro data, 38 secondary big data and 5 super data were identified from the positive side. Also, on the negative side, 13 primary big data, 32 small data, 11 secondary big data and 2 super data were identified. Results: The results showed that managerial skill, managerial attitude, and managerial intelligence were among the constituent factors, managerial thinking and managerial awareness were among the facilitating factors, personalization was among the inhibiting factors, and expediency was among the moderating factors. Also, strategies, obstacles, consequences of formation and consequences of non-formation were identified


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