Document Type : Descriptive



Nowadays, organizations with the help of strategic planning seek to overcome environmental changes and turbulence and its orientation toward long-term goals to strengthen and stabilize. Khatamolanbia Hospital is one of the organizations in response to environmental changes systematic strategic planning model uses. The main research question aimed to identify practical activities in compliance with the above model is the hospital. In order to assess strategic planning of Khatamolanbia hospital, survey research method was used. For this purpose the sample of 103 managers and supervisors of the hospital according to Morgan used in this study were selected based on the 11 hypothesis was formulated, was at their disposal. Analyzing the responses were obtained with the help of PLS method, showed that the conceptual model of strategic planning Khatamolanbia Hospital in the operation of a high capacity to predict the behavior of the system, due to its planned objectives. In conclusion, given that the sum of hypotheses, three hypotheses were rejected, to manage Khatamolanbia Hospital was promoted to factors such as analysis of the external environment, emphasized the significance of hospital management and staff performance and feedback control and more emphasis should be given to them.


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