Document Type : Descriptive



Civil Service Management Act was passed in Parliament in 2007 and the 5-year pilot period begins.Since the law is an example of public policy making, study the suffering and executive barriers, in addition to being able to improve the law provides, can lead to learning in the field of public policy.The paper is based on research with the aim of identifying injuries and prioritizing these obstacles and barriers to implementation of the Civil Service Management Code, has been developed.In the present study using focus group discussion by senior management experts and taking advantage of the method of qualitative research has been done. Also, content analysis means a scientific analysis of communication messages and Shannon entropy as a way of ensuring that the value of the content of a message shows have been used in research. The results showed that barriers to logic, coherence and realism, structure and resources, the legal environment, the concept and the writing, review and supervision of employees and managers, and theoretical backing to have the highest to the lowest importance as barriers to implementation effective management of the civil service.


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