Document Type : Descriptive



Over the past decade the world of work, organizational reengineering has seen an increase. And on the horizontal structures whereby they were to Job frostbite Plateau has become as crisis management.Job frostbite Plateau is the process by which the individual productivity decreases due to reduced motivation. The aim of this study is to identify, rank and prioritize the factors affecting investment Job frostbite plateau, and finally management model designed to explain the consequences resulting plateau Job frostbite due to local conditions in the country. For the purpose of the present study is descriptive relationship is based on structural equation modeling. The population consisted of experts, middle and top managers of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mines, which are the total of 324 people.The results of the review of the final research model showed that although the plateau content does not predict the outcome directly but through its impact on other types of Job frostbite Plateau could affect the business results; overall estimates of the final version of the study showed that 13% of the variance in job satisfaction, 23% psychological burnout, 36% intend to freedom organization, And 13 percent through the dimensions of organizational commitment Job frostbite plateau is definable. The results can provide guidelines for better management in the Iranian Job frostbite plateau.


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