Document Type : Descriptive



Integrated Management System means integrating multiple systems into a unique system through which, as much as possible to control and manage the operation and its activities instead of several separate systems into a unified system to accomplish.This system has arisen from a combination of ISO 9001 quality management system standards, environmental management system ISO 14001 and occupational health and safety management system.The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of integrated management system of organizational maturity that was done in the fourth refinery gas of Assalouyeh. The sample was consisted 150 workers of fourth refinery gas of Assalouyeh who were selected by random stratified sampling method and questionnaires were distributed among them. The analysis of the collected data using SPSS and AMOS software indicates that the integrated management system and sub-systems, including quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system have a significant positive impact on organizational maturity.


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