Document Type : Descriptive


1 PhD Student of Public Entrepreneurship, Colledge of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Colledge of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Higher Education Planning, Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Tehran, Iran


In under-developing societies and even developed economies, home-based enterprises have been used as a device for economical growth and solving the problem of unemployment particularly for women. The role of these kinds of businesses in national and regional development causes government's attention to this subject and establishing special supporting policies for these kinds of businesses the more. According to the increasing predicaments of unemployment in Iran, especially for women, some actions have been taken for supporting home-based enterprise and their growth; but difficulties of these businesses still continue to be valid. Present research has dealt with the pathlogy of the government's supporting programs for home-based enterprise. For this, qualitative research method and 20 deep interviews with owner of home-based enterprises have been done. In addition, interview analysis was done through thematic analysis. Research results was presented in two groups of pathologies related to designing programs and pathologies related to executing programs. At the end, helpful diplomatic solutions were suggested to improve the government's supporting programs for home-based enterprises.


Main Subjects

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