Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Professor of Management, Shahid Sattari Areonautical University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student of Behavioral Management, Kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran

3 MSc of Public Management, Allame Tabatabai’ University, Tehran, Iran


The fifth season of countrywide service management deals with the usage of information technology and administrative service. In this law, executive agencies obliged to present their operable processes and work method electronically aiming at activities' efficiency, service quality improvement, expedition and facilitation presenting services to citizenship and also struggle to create information infrastructures and performing issues based on information technology in administrative services. For the present, several years is passing over executing the law and its effectiveness pathology is necessary. Present research was accomplished aiming at pathology of the effectiveness of countrywide service management law in information technology and administrative service department. The research is an applied research and a survey descriptive one in terms of purpose. The research statistical universe included staff employees at ministry of economy and finance with bachelor's degree and higher. Sample size was determined by Morgan table. To gather data, a questionnaire, designed by the researcher, was used and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha. Data analysis was done through confirmatory factor analysis and one-sample t-test. Results showed that information technology and administrative services application have improved service quality, information quality, information usage, process fulfillment and organization's flexibility. In addition, executing countrywide services law causes services quality improvement at the first priority and process fulfillment improvement at the last priority.


Main Subjects

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