Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Professor Of Mangement Department Of Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Student Of Business Management , Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


Today sharing information, regarding to meny benefits which it has, becomes important across the organisational borders. It leads to providing better services to citizens and enterprises, saving of operational costs, increasing the effectiveness of programs and improving policy-making and decision-making. However sharing information is under the influence of many key factors. The present study is trying to examine the influence of effective factors of sharing information among public organisations to finally identify the factors that lead to islanding of offices, decrease of cooperation, parallel work, manifestation of political behaviours and in conclution decrease of confidence and lack of coordination among public offices. The aim of this study is practical and its method is analytical-survey. Statistical society of this survey is all managers and profissionals of information technology of public offices in Mashhad, which based on available statistics and data their number is around 130 people. By use of Cochran formula a sample of 108 people is choosen for this statistical society. To gather the necessary data, we use a questionaire and analysis of data is done by use of a pattern of structural equation modeling. Findings of this survey show the effects of high- level leadership, communication and mutual exchange, adaptation, support of top manager, cost, security process, benefits and expected risks on amount of sharing information among public organisations, but none of laws and polecies, inter-organisation confidence and capabilities of information technology has a meaningful effect on amount of sharing information among public organisations.


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