Document Type : Exploratory


1 PhD Student of Human Resource Management, Payame Noor University

2 Associate Professor of Public Administration, Payame Noor University

3 Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior Management, Semnan University


The aim of the current research is to design and explain organizational values model based on Nahj al Balaghe teaching. The method used in this research is the combination of quantitive and qualitive methods. In qualitive method, the author extracted data by thematic analysis. Further, in orther to make thematic network and research model, the author used some interviews and questionnaires. First of all, the author searched for the themes about values in Nahj al Balaghe, and 324 codes have been extracted. Furthermore, these codes have been proposed to experts and 70 more codes suggested by the associated experts that can be introduced as the values codes. Finally, all these codes have been distributed to the experts again, by questionnaires and their idea gathered about the same. In sum, after having all experts’ idea about these codes, and testing with Binomial test in SPSS, the author proposed the model of organizational values based on Nahj al Balaghe teaching. The model includes four main factors, i.e. Ethical-Cultural Values, Knowledge-Wisdom Values, Professional Values, and Basic Values.


Main Subjects

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