Document Type : Descriptive


1 Assistant Professor, Phd of Public Administration-Organizational Behavior, Faculty of management, University of tehran

2 Professor, Phd of Public Administration- Policy making, Faculty of management, University of Tehran

3 Phd Student, Human Resource Management, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran


Today in organizations emphasized that human resources have strategic value and differentiates it from other competitors. This means that the skills and abilities of people in an organization and how to use them can be taken into account as an important factor for their competitive advantage. So the emphasize is that effective recruitment in organizations is essential and strategic matter. Including developments that happened in related to recruitment process with the aim of increasing efficiency and more effective is using of the approach of recruitment process outsourcing. Recruitment process outsourcing is the form of business outsourcing. The aim of this study is survey of advantages and disadvantages of recruitment process outsourcing. In order to study of it qualitative research method were used. The results of 12 interviews with seven managers and five experts show that this approach in addition to the strength, limitation and problems that are discussed in academic literature, has other advantages and disadvantages. The findings of this study indicate 8 main themes that 4 of them are related to benefits and others are related to disadvantages of recruitment process outsourcing.


Main Subjects

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