Document Type : Descriptive


Phd Candidate of Human Resources Management, Sistand and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran


The globalization of competition between organizations and companies to deliver their products and services has forced them to join the global market. One of the important tools of information and communication technology, which plays an important role in the integration of information in the organization and is a major requirement for joining the global markets, is the Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP). This system is now considered to be the most recent and most effective resource planning tool for the organization and includes an integrated information, engineering, and management system that meets all the needs of an organization with a process orientation (towards the goals of the organization and integrating all operations). ERP, with a different look, shifts the process of shifting all organizational activities from task to task cycle. Implementing ERP in addition to costly and time consuming, by making fundamental changes to the processes, creates tensions in most parts of the organization, which if implemented by the organization without noticing the problems and challenges they face when implementing ERP, Definitely will fail. The purpose of this article is to understand how to select and implement organizational resource management in organizations. We have largely described the research by combining the findings of different scholars and combining them to form the basis of this research.


Main Subjects

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