Document Type : Causal


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


This study aimed to investigate the impact of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational performance of faculty members and staff of Payame Noor University of East Azarbaijan province. The statistical population of the study consisted of 806 teachers and staff of Payame Noor University of East Azarbaijan. Among them, 225 are faculty members and 581 are staff. The data collection instrument in this study were standard questionnaires of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and Organizational Performance of Hershey and Goldsmiths. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the collected data. At the inferential level, to test the research hypotheses, Pearson's r test and linear regression test were used via SPSS software after determining the distribution of the data related to the research variables through Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results confirmed the main and sub-hypotheses of the research at 95% confidence level based on statistical tests. In other words, it was found that there is a positive significant relationship between all components of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational performance of teachers and staff of Payame Noor University of East Azarbaijan.


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