Document Type : Survey


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Public Management, University of Hormozgan, Bandarabbas, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, University of hormozgan, Bandar abbas, Iran


The purpose of study is to provide a model of Covid-19 crisis management strategies based on human resource management policies. The research is an exploratory developmental in terms of purpose and a survey in terms of data collection method and the research method is qualitative based on the strategy of grounded theory. The statistical population was managers and experts in human resources of public organizations in Bandar Abbas; Due to the adequacy of sampling and theoretical saturation, 20 people were selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling and participated in the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and Strauss and Corbin continuous comparison method in three coding steps was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the model presented in 6 main dimensions: 1-Institutionalization factors 2-Human resource management policies 3-Underlying factors (organizational characteristics, organizational culture and infrastructure) 4- Intervention factors (managerial and organizational factors, Factors related to human actors and macro-environmental variables) 5- Crisis management strategies (cooperation, resilience, networking, capacity building, knowledge management and stress management) and 6- Outcomes (at the levels of employees, organization, and society) are explained.


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