Document Type : Survey


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran

2 .Associate Professor, Department of Business Managment, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Msc. Department of Business Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of big data and IoT analysis strategies to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in public organizations by considering the capabilities of big data analysis. This study evaluates data quality as a strategy for gaining a competitive advantage as interdisciplinary research while introducing the capabilities of big data analysis and the Internet of Things. In terms of philosophical foundations of research, this research is based on the paradigm of positivism, in terms of research approach, is quantitative, and in terms of research strategy, is part of survey research. Library and field resources were used in data collection. The statistical population of the research is unlimited and the statistical sample of this research includes 384 managers and specialists using random and convenience sampling methods from the statistical population of the research applying the Morgan table. To collect data in this study, a questionnaire was used, the validity of which was confirmed by experts as content validity using SPSS software, and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Also, fit indices and path analysis were evaluated using AMOS software. Research findings show that data quality should become part of the strategy to create value for government organizations. The ability to analyze big data also positively mediates the relationship between data quality and competitive advantage. On the other hand, strategic performance and financial management have a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage.


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