Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Organizational Behavior Management, Kharazmi University, Instructor, Department of public Management, payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of HRM, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant, Professor, Department of HRM, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate, Professor, Department of Education Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the characteristics that show the dynamism of today's organizations is the benefit of organizations from the constructive and useful point of view of employees in increasing the quality of decisions making in organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the expression of organizational dissent of employees in the university. The method of this research is qualitative and exploratory which has been done using content analysis and documental study. The statistical sample of this research included 120 articles published in the valid journals searched in domestic and foreign scientific databases by searching for keywords and performing the screening process. Finally, 30 works were selected for further review and analysis. The result of the literature review and analysis was the extraction of 31 basic themes, 13 constructive themes, and 4 comprehensive themes. Findings showed that the factors affecting the willingness of employees to express organizational opposition are 4 main dimensions: personal, communicational, organizational, and environmental, each of which can affect the willingness of employees to express organizational dissent, but the decision to choose the approach of expressing depends on which particular issue and factor will be affected in that particular situation at the time of selection; therefore, depending on the circumstances, it is necessary to identify the considerations of each factor and consider the correct approach to express organizational dissent of employees.


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