Document Type : Survey


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, ACECR, Urmia, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bandargaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Iran.


the health of administration and overshadow public interests. Therefore, this research has been carried out with the aim of presenting a management model of Trading in Iran's public Agencies. In order to form the expert group, 15 experts from the ministries and subordinate organizations who had expert conditions were selected by available sampling method. To test the model, the statistical population including 800 employees of the Information Technology Organization was considered. Also, 260 people were selected as a statistical sample using Morgan's table and simple random sampling method. The required data was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were confirmed through quantitative methods. In order to analyze the data, Lisrel software and Delphi technique and fuzzy inference system in the form of MATLAB software were used. The results showed that the model has three individual, organizational and cultural dimensions, and the organizational dimension with a factor loading of 0.83 has the largest contribution in explaining administrative Trading. Also, the individual value system component with a factor of 0.6 has the largest contribution in explaining the individual dimension; The ineffective evaluation system component with a factor loading of 0.75 has the largest contribution in explaining the organizational dimension and the short-sighted component with a factor loading of 0.75 has the largest contribution in explaining the cultural dimension. The results of the fuzzy inference system also showed that the minimum level of Trading in the organization is 0.464, and most of it is caused by individual Trading tendencies. In addition, the management of organizational and cultural factors has a significant impact on the control of administrative Trading. Based on the results, it can be said that paying attention to employing competent and ethical people is the first step in dealing with administrative Trading.


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