Document Type : Survey


1 Assistant Professor‎, Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc, Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


In different organizations and institutions, which have social missions and duties, the issue of organizational policy-making and decision-making has national and sometimes international sensitivity and importance. In various organizations and institutions that have social missions and duties; The category of policy-making and organizational decision-making will have national and sometimes international sensitivity and importance. In order to make reasonable and optimal decisions, policy models should be evaluated and finally the best and most suitable one should be selected and implemented. Since the Red Crescent Society is responsible for various missions in different normal to critical conditions and many of its missions are in emergency and critical conditions, the issue of decision making is very sensitive and this sensitivity is due to the consequences. It is a decision. For this purpose, in this research, different patterns of policy making in the organizational management system of the Red Crescent Society have been analyzed. The research population included the elites working in the Iranian Red Crescent. The required data was collected using both library and field methods, as a result of which, ‎‎11 policy-making models and 13 indicators and criteria for evaluating these models were identified. The questionnaire was distributed among 23 experts using snowball sampling method . Data analysis was performed using TOPSIS software. The findings showed that considering the available facilities and resources (economic rationality) and paying attention to scientific and logical principles in different stages (professional rationality) have the highest weight among the criteria for evaluating models. Furthermore, based on the study’s results, Decision Tree model was introduced as the most optimal strategy among the management system policy-making strategies for Iranian Red Crescent Society.


Main Subjects

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