Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D., Department of Public Administration; Researcher of Statistics and Organizational Management Judiciary Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Structures and processes in any organization are the most important dimension, in other words, the software of organizations to perform their missions. The judiciary, with the serious mission of justice and the realization of justice in society, has complex and multidimensional structures and processes, and based on these structures and processes, it carries out this serious mission. In fact, it should be said that the effectiveness of the judiciary as a feedback loop of the country's governance system will have a direct impact on the overall efficiency of the system, and therefore continuous identification of damage to the structures and processes of the judiciary can improve the performance of the judiciary and consequently It will become the system of governing the country. The present study aimed to identify the structural damage of the judiciary; After studying the Judicial Transformation Document, and other related research in this field, and interviewing judges and experts, 83 structural injuries were counted and classified into 11 general categories. In the next step, using interpretive structural modeling and Mikmak analysis, they were prioritized and classified, and it was identified that the four disadvantages were the lack of specialized proceedings and the rules of procedure; Lack of relative transparency in litigation; Lack of appropriate mechanisms for feedback, learning and intelligence of the judiciary and weakness in the budgeting system and allocation of financial resources; Is one of the most effective structural damages in the judiciary and the lack of coherent process mechanisms to reduce delays, which is the most important issue in the judiciary, has been identified as one of the most effective damages that the judiciary must eliminate eleven damages at higher levels solving and thereby reduce trial delays.


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