Document Type : Descriptive



The aim of this research is to identify and analyze success crucial factors for human resource development in health sector through exploring minds of participant by using Q methodology. The participants were 26 of experts and in charge people in health sector. The research concourse has been gathered from two resources: interview and literature and 44 of phrases have been selected as Q phrases sample. The obtained information from Q sorting was analyzed by Q factor analysis method. Distribution analysis showed that 9 of mental models can be recognized among participants that determines 76.212 % of total variance. The most explained variance is for the first mental model with the score of 14.161. Success crucial factors were recognized and prioritized based on these 9 models. At the end, mental models were named and interpreted metaphorically as below in a row: futurists of change follower, incitement adherents, specialists of effective hiring defender, occupational system adherents, stability's adherents in meritocracy, change in structure, adherents of cooperation and outlook revision, adherents of agency-structure, adherents of benchmarking and performance system adherents of ethics and quality of work-life improvement.


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