Document Type : Descriptive



One of the valuable goal in the country's vision document of 20 years is to achieve higher scientific place in the middle east and neighbor zone emphasizing on software movement and science generation. In this respect, from a long time ago, universities have been considered seriously as one of the most power background of science and knowledge generation. Regarding that traditional universities don't have necessary and adequate efficiency for achieving software movement and science generation, so, the main aim of the present research is specifically design and explain virtual university model based on organizational elements. In terms of purpose, the research is an applied one that intends to conclude the study with designing virtual university model at payame Noor University of Tehran through mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach. Results indicate that final research model (virtual university) included variables of management processes with two dimensions (supporting process, primary process), variable of information architecture with four dimensions (infra-structure, strategy, man, data) and variable of business architecture with 6 dimensions (environment, culture, centralization, complexity, formalization, technology) and moderator variable of trust in e-learning.


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