Document Type : Descriptive



In the modern world, human resource is considered as the best competitive advantage of an organization and human has got importance in organizations' theory more than ever. Human resource can help organizations in competition just as it can be a serious barrier on the way of organization. Thus, the aim of this research is to study and examine the relationship between managers' narcissism and hypocrisy behaviors with the moderator role of managers' Machiavellian behavior in governmental organizations of Kermanshah City. The population of statistical universe included 4588 people that 355 of them were selected as statistical sample through using simple random classified sampling and Cochran's formula. A questionnaire, designed by the researcher, was used for gathering data that its' face validity was confirmed by professors and experts. To examine the questionnaire's reliability, Cronbach's Alpha was used. The research is an applied research in terms of purpose and is a descriptive and correlation research in viewpoint of gathering data. Correlation test and structural equations model available in Lisrel and SPSS software were utilized to analyze the questionnaire's data. Results showed that managers' narcissism has significant and direct impact on (0.74) on hypocrisy behaviors. Machiavellian behavior has significant and direct impact (0.66) on hypocrisy behavior, so the moderator role of Machiavellian behavior in the relationship between managers' narcissism and managers' hypocrisy behavior is confirmed.


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