Document Type : Descriptive



Business cynicism is one of the important phenomenon’s of business difficulties in present century. Many factors are effective in appearance of cynicism in businesses. In field of business cynicism and its effective factor, lots of studies have been accomplished but there is no comprehensive research that included all of these factors and finding the relationship between them. The aim of this research is recognition of effective factors on business cynicism and designing a model related to their relationship. The research is a mixed exploratory research including two stages: qualitative and quantitative-qualitative. In qualitative stage, first of all, effective factors on business cynicism (9 factors) were recognized by studying the literature of business cynicism and also using meta-combination method. The factors were classified in three categories of personal and individual factors (factors related to personality and individual and mental factors), organizational factors (bad organizational atmosphere, cynicism to organizational changes, injustice perception, poor performance and negative perception of managerial acts) and occupational factors. At the next step, the relationship between these factors was determined by interpretive-structural modeling and was analyzed integratedly. In the modeling stage, a questionnaire was used to get the idea of 15 experts of organizational behavior. Those were selected by snowball method. Results led to classification of effective factors on business cynicism and design a model out of the factors. The model shows the factors and the relationship and communication between them. At the end, interpretation of the model, analysis of model's levels and relationship between dimensions were done and solutions were suggested to prevent appearing of this phenomenon in organizations.


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